This drama tells the story of Ximen Changhai, head of the Magpie Saber Sect, who is determined to eradicate the wokou pirates and joins a secret plan to do so. To prevent his plans from leaking out, Ximen Changhai brought his brother, Ximen Changzai, a cook, to the Magpie Saber Sect to become the acting sect head, and as affairs within the Sect changed, an amusing martial arts story started within the sect.
- Comedy, Drama
- Mandarin
Cast & Crew
- Zhao Benshan , Song Xiaobao , Song Xiaofeng , Wen Song , Cheng Ye , Ge Shan Shan , Li Xiaohe , Tang Jianjun
- Li Er Yun, Zhao Benshan, Wang Juan, Tang Tiejun, Wu Di