The Apprentice 1 is the first season of The Apprentice, which aired on NBC in the winter and spring of 2004. It is currently available on DVD. It featured 16 candidates. The first season was a rating...
The Apprentice 4 is the fourth season of The Apprentice, with Donald Trump as the executive producer and host. The show was aired on Thursday nights at 9 p.m. on NBC and started September 22, 2005. T...
The Celebrity Apprentice is the seventh installment of the reality game show, Celebrity Apprentice. This season features celebrity candidates vying for the title of Donald Trump's, "Best Business Brai...
The Celebrity Apprentice 3 is the ninth installment of the reality game show, Celebrity Apprentice. On April 29, 2009, NBC officially announced the renewal of Celebrity Apprentice for Spring 2010. The...
The Celebrity Apprentice 7 is the seventh installment of the reality game show, Celebrity Apprentice. On July 23, 2013, NBC announced that the show will film the following spring and would be returnin...
In Here You Call Me Governor
Fire Up That Chopper
Candy for a Billionaire
Scissors And Some Creativity
I'm Going Full Ballmer
Bon Voyage
I Don't Have Time For Anyone's Ego Except My Own
Your Smile's Gonna Knock Them Out