The series takes place during the year 2030, in Choutokyo, Japan. Through the game "Buddyfight", humanity is able to interact with the residents of other worlds: Buddy Monsters. Chosen humans (known a...
Gao Mikado has been chosen to fill in for Tasuku Ryuenji while he is away for training. One day, an illegal monster appears looking for the strongest Buddyfighter. After being defeated by Gao, he trie...
Gao Mikado, a 6th year student of the Aibo Academy Elementary Division, is partnered with Dragon of the Sun, Bal Dragon, a monster born from a mysterious egg. To earn the coveted title as the stronges...
The ten parallel realms connected to Earth are known as Worlds. At long last, the time to decide the Worlds' Number One has come! Gao Mikado, a sixth-grader from Aibo Academy elementary division, has...
The Gao Genuine Gameface Tournament, otherwise known as the GGG Cup, is underway after a lull action after the defeat of Wisdom and his ambitions. Famous fighters and monsters from across the worlds a...
Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3
Episode 4
Episode 5
Episode 6
Episode 7
Episode 8
The anime's story takes place 23 years after the events of Future Card Buddyfight X and centers on Yuga Mikado, son of Gao Mikado. Because Yuga is talented at games, he is known as the "Ace of Gaming....